Astrology Birth Chart for Trisha Paytas (May. 8, 1988) (2024)

Date of Birth: May 8, 1988

Age: 36

Gender: n/a

Birth City: Riverside, California

Birth Country: United States

Lat: 33° 57’ 12” N.

Lon: 117° 23’ 46” W.

Alt: 252 m.

Sun Sign: Taurus

Ascendant: Virgo

Trisha Paytas is an American YouTuber, singer, and media personality. Her YouTube channel consists of a wide variety of content including lifestyle-oriented vlogs, music videos, and mukbangs. As of July 2022, she has accumulated roughly 5 million subscribers and almost 1 billion lifetime views.

Trisha Paytas was born on May 8, 1988, in Riverside, California, United States. Their birth occurred at 3:02 pm local time, corresponding to 10:02 pm UTC time. The sidereal time at the moment of birth was 05:20:10. Their birth geographical coordinates are 33° 57’ 12” North latitude and 117° 23’ 46” West longitude, with an altitude of 252 meters above sea level. Trisha Paytas is currently 36 years old.

Astrologically, Trisha Paytas fall under the Sun sign of Taurus, with Virgo as their Ascendant, Aquarius as their Moon sign, and Leo as their Black Moon Lilith sign.

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Planets represent different aspects of personality, life themes, and energies within a birth chart, influencing individual characteristics, motivations, and experiences.

Planets in Signs

Planets in a zodiac sign denote how the energies and qualities associated with those planets express themselves within the context of the themes and attributes of that particular zodiac sign.
Sun18° 30’ 42” Taurus
Moon15° 52’ 29” Aquarius
Mercury7° 8’ 36” Gemini
Venus27° 9’ 23” Gemini
Mars21° 19’ 4” Aquarius
Jupiter14° 6’ 23” Taurus
Saturn1° 56’ 7” Capricorn
Uranus0° 34’ 13” Capricorn
Neptune9° 59’ 37” Capricorn
Pluto10° 58’ 40” Scorpio
Ceres17° 24’ 22” Pisces
Chiron26° 10’ 45” Gemini
Eros14° 21’ 4” Pisces
Hygiea0° 10’ 35” Virgo
Juno23° 52’ 41” Taurus
Pallas18° 14’ 33” Aquarius
Vesta4° 14’ 57” Leo
Ascendant21° 36’ 28” Virgo
Black Moon Lilith29° 27’ 19” Leo
Midheaven20° 51’ 16” Gemini
North Node20° 20’ 29” Pisces
South Node20° 20’ 29” Virgo
Part of Fortune18° 58’ 16” Gemini
Vertex1° 4’ 37” Pisces
Sunin Taurus18° 30’ 42”The Sun in Taurus in the Natal Chart is an ideal placement for a nurturing and loyal person. You are down to earth and make […] Read more » Moonin Aquarius15° 52’ 29”The Moon in Aquarius in the Natal Chart makes you a humanitarian with instincts related to fairness and equality. You are intuitively attracted to group […] Read more » Mercuryin Gemini7° 8’ 36”Mercury in Gemini in the Natal Chart makes you thoughtful and eager to share your vision. You are idealistic and can be intelligent and social. […] Read more » Venusin Gemini27° 9’ 23”Gemini Venus in the Natal Chart attracts you to people who are friends first. You need a partner you can spend time with casually without […] Read more » Marsin Aquarius21° 19’ 4”Aquarius Mars in the Natal Chart makes you daring and impulsive. You are passionate and can follow your intellectual desires. You are inspiring and want […] Read more » Jupiterin Taurus14° 6’ 23”Jupiter in Taurus in the Natal Chart is a generational placement that relates to having a materialistic vision. You are part of a generation that […] Read more » Saturnin Capricorn1° 56’ 7”Capricorn Saturn in the Natal Chart indicates you are part of a generation responsible for fulfilling your mission to society. You are consistent and find […] Read more » Uranusin Capricorn0° 34’ 13”Capricorn Uranus in the Natal Chart is a generational placement indicating you are part of a cohort born with a deep desire for change and […] Read more » Neptunein Capricorn9° 59’ 37”Capricorn Neptune in the Natal Chart indicates a desire for security and emotional validation. You are part of a group that desires emotional connection and […] Read more » Plutoin Scorpio10° 58’ 40”Scorpio Pluto in the Natal Chart indicates a generation with an intense desire for truth and wisdom. You delve deep to uncover hidden truths and […] Read more » Ceresin Pisces17° 24’ 22”Ceres in Pisces in the Natal Chart indicates a loving and mystical generation. You are part of a cohort that follows your ideals and can […] Read more » Chironin Gemini26° 10’ 45”Chiron in Gemini in the Natal Chart indicates a generation committed to helping others understand their past wounds. You find healing and release when you […] Read more » Erosin Pisces14° 21’ 4”Eros in Pisces in the Natal Chart makes it easy for you to explore your fantasies. You are attuned to your lover’s subconscious desires, and […] Read more » Hygieain Virgo0° 10’ 35”Virgo Hygiea in the Natal Chart gives you a grounded and sensible nature. You are down to earth and avoid going to extremes. You are […] Read more » Junoin Taurus23° 52’ 41”Juno in Taurus in the Natal Chart is an ideal placement for marriage and romance. You are attractive and can bring love and passion into […] Read more » Pallasin Aquarius18° 14’ 33”Pallas in Aquarius in the Natal Chart makes you explosive and creative. You can be eager to pursue your futuristic vision and motivated by your […] Read more »

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Planets in Elements

Planets in elements denote how the fundamental energies and qualities associated with those planets interact with the elemental nature of the signs they inhabit, shaping an individual’s overall temperament and approach to life.
Earth ElementThe earth element in astrology is associated with practicality and grounding. This element is associated with career and wealth. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are signs […] Read more »Air ElementThe air element in astrology corresponds to three signs; Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. This element is associated with new insights and perspectives. The air element […] Read more »Water ElementAstrologers and other occultists study the water element to understand emotional healing. This element relates to love and compassion. Numerous planets in water signs in […] Read more »Fire ElementThe fire element in astrology is associated with passion and motivation. This element brings creativity and intensifies planets and natal houses. Your competitive nature comes […] Read more »

Planets in Qualities

Planets in qualities signify how the inherent attributes and tendencies of those planets align with the modalities of the signs they occupy, influencing an individual’s style of action, decision-making, and engagement with the world.
Mutable QualityThe third Quality astrological signs are grouped into is mutable. Mutable Signs come at the end of a season. Mutable Signs are associated with flexibility […] Read more »Fixed QualityThe second Quality in astrology is the Fixed modality. Fixed Signs follow the Cardinal Signs, bringing strength and endurance. These signs build upon the foundation […] Read more »Cardinal QualityThe Cardinal quality in astrology is associated with new seasons and initiative. Cardinal signs mark the equinoxes and solstices. The Cardinal modality represents the extremes […] Read more »

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Planets in Houses

Planets in a zodiac house signify where in life’s areas and experiences the energies and influences of those planets are predominantly focused and expressed.
Sun0° 2’ 46” Ninth House
Moon22° 33’ 57” Fifth House
Mercury18° 40’ 41” Ninth House
Venus6° 18’ 7” Tenth House
Mars28° 0’ 31” Fifth House
Jupiter25° 52’ 22” Eighth House
Saturn11° 4’ 50” Fourth House
Uranus9° 42’ 57” Fourth House
Neptune19° 8’ 20” Fourth House
Pluto22° 44’ 39” Second House
Ceres23° 27’ 12” Sixth House
Chiron5° 19’ 29” Tenth House
Eros20° 23’ 53” Sixth House
Hygiea6° 13’ 24” Twelfth House
Juno5° 24’ 45” Ninth House
Pallas24° 56’ 1” Fifth House
Vesta10° 56’ 24” Eleventh House
Black Moon Lilith5° 30’ 9” Twelfth House
North Node26° 23’ 18” Sixth House
South Node26° 23’ 18” Twelfth House
Part of Fortune30° 30’ 20” Ninth House
Vertex7° 7’ 26” Sixth House

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Aspects reveal the dynamic relationships and interactions between planets within a birth chart, influencing the way their energies combine and manifest in an individual’s life experiences and personality traits.

Within this birth chart, there are 16 major aspects, alongside 13 minor aspects, as well as 13 extra aspects.

Major Aspects

Major aspects highlight significant connections between planets, providing insights into key dynamics, challenges, and potentials shaping an individual’s life journey and psychological makeup.
Saturn Conjunct Uranus
Neptune Sextile Pluto
Moon Square Jupiter
Sun Square Moon
Sun Square Mars
Mercury Quincunx Neptune
Venus Opposite Uranus
Jupiter Opposite Pluto
Sun Conjunct Jupiter
Mercury Quincunx Pluto
Jupiter Trine Neptune
Moon Conjunct Mars
Moon Square Pluto
Venus Opposite Saturn
Venus Trine Mars
Sun Opposite Pluto

Explore detailed articles on the major aspects in this birth chart, gaining deeper insights into this cosmic identity. Dive into each aspect and uncover how it shapes Trisha Paytas’s life journey.

Saturn Conjunct Uranusorb: 1°Saturn conjunct Uranus in a chart can make a person seem highly energetic. They will have a side of them that is practical and grounded […] Read more » Moon Square Jupiterorb: 2°The Moon square Jupiter in a chart can initially seem like a happy and positive influence. It might feel good for someone experiencing it, even […] Read more » Sun Square Moonorb: 3°The Sun square Moon in a Natal Chart is more potent than this aspect in a Transiting Chart. You inhibit your growth and block yourself […] Read more » Sun Square Marsorb: 3°The Sun square Mars can make you restless. You have an anxious personality and may be energetic and hyper. You find motivation to overcome insecurities, […] Read more » Mercury Quincunx Neptuneorb: 3°Mercury quincunx Neptune in a chart creates a confusing dynamic between logic and creativity. A person with this aspect in their chart will possess both […] Read more » Venus Opposite Uranusorb: 3°Venus opposite Uranus in a chart creates a zest for life and excitement in romance. Any person with this in their chart will need a […] Read more » Jupiter Opposite Plutoorb: 3°Jupiter opposite Pluto in a chart creates the potential for growth, transformation, success, and abundance. It is not always easy to get those things due […] Read more » Sun Conjunct Jupiterorb: 4°The Sun conjunct Jupiter in the Natal Chart amplifies your greatest strengths. You are generous and compassionate toward people in need. You can be the […] Read more » Mercury Quincunx Plutoorb: 4°Mercury quincunx Pluto in a chart can create an aggressive and harsh energy in a person. Someone with this aspect in their chart might be […] Read more » Moon Conjunct Marsorb: 5°The Moon conjunct Mars in the Natal Chart makes you eager to show your feelings. You can’t hold back when something strikes a nerve. You […] Read more » Moon Square Plutoorb: 5°The Moon square Pluto in a Natal Chart can bring a lot of challenges, but it also comes with huge benefits if a person can […] Read more » Venus Opposite Saturnorb: 5°Venus opposite Saturn in a chart will bring many challenges and restrictions when it comes to relationships, affection, and love in general. It will also […] Read more » Sun Opposite Plutoorb: 8°The Sun opposite Pluto in a Natal Chart is an intense placement. You come across as severe to others. You can be intense and have […] Read more »

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Minor Aspects

Minor aspects represent subtler connections between planets, offering additional nuances and layers of interpretation to understand more detailed influences on an individual’s personality and experiences.
Sun Square Pallas
Mars Quincunx Ascendant
Mars Trine Midheaven
Jupiter Sextile Eros
Uranus Trine Hygiea
Sun Sextile Ceres
Venus Conjunct Chiron
Mars Quincunx South Node
Saturn Sextile Vertex
Uranus Trine Black Moon Lilith
Uranus Sextile Vertex
Sun Trine South Node
Saturn Trine Hygiea

Discover additional layers of meaning with this collection of articles on the minor aspects found in Trisha Paytas’s birth chart. Delve deeper into these cosmic nuances to gain a richer understanding of this astrological profile.

Sun Square Pallasorb: 0°Pallas aspects to the Sun emphasize your unique gifts and visionary nature. The square is one of the challenging aspects. The Sun Square Pallas forces […] Read more » Mars Quincunx Ascendantorb: 0°Mars quincunx the Ascendant in a chart typically indicates that how someone portrays themselves, especially when it comes to their confidence and level of passion, […] Read more » Sun Sextile Ceresorb: 1°The Sun sextile Ceres in a Natal Chart is a helpful aspect for healers and caretakers. You are nurturing and can be protective and comforting. […] Read more » Venus Conjunct Chironorb: 1°Venus conjunct Chiron in the Natal Chart makes you long for affection and love to compensate for past wounds and traumas. You are aware of […] Read more » Mars Quincunx South Nodeorb: 1°Mars quincunx the South Node in a chart creates tension between the more assertive energy of Mars and the South Node’s ties to the past, […] Read more » Sun Trine South Nodeorb: 2°The Sun trine South Node in a Natal Chart makes you comfortable and satisfied with your situation. You are accepting and happy with what you […] Read more »

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Extra Aspects

Extra aspects, though less emphasized than major or minor aspects, contribute subtle nuances and intricacies to the overall astrological interpretation, offering additional insights into an individual’s personality traits and life experiences.
Hygiea Conjunct Black Moon Lilith
Hygiea Opposite Vertex
Pallas Trine Part of Fortune
Ascendant Square Midheaven
Ascendant Opposite North Node
Ascendant Conjunct South Node
Midheaven Square North Node
Midheaven Square South Node
North Node Square Part of Fortune
South Node Square Part of Fortune
Ceres Square Part of Fortune
Black Moon Lilith Opposite Vertex
Midheaven Conjunct Part of Fortune

Explore how these extra aspects contribute to the intricate tapestry of Trisha Paytas’s life path through subtler influences. Dive into each extra aspect and uncover the hidden gems that shape a unique cosmic identity.

Ascendant Opposite North Nodeorb: 1°The Ascendant opposite the North Node in the Natal Chart pushes you to find your higher calling. You don’t naturally realize your destiny and may […] Read more » Ascendant Conjunct South Nodeorb: 1°The Ascendant conjunct the South Node in the Natal Chart makes you speculative and inhibited. You focus on your inner needs and are shy about […] Read more » Midheaven Square North Nodeorb: 1°The Midheaven square of the North Node in the Natal Chart makes you passionate and insecure about your career. You seek success and recognition related […] Read more » Midheaven Square South Nodeorb: 1°The Midheaven square of the South Node creates challenges related to your career path. You struggle to find your focus and may feel insecure about […] Read more » North Node Square Part of Fortuneorb: 1°The North Node square of the Part of Fortune in the Natal Chart makes you eager to succeed. You seek fame and independence, which can […] Read more » South Node Square Part of Fortuneorb: 1°The South Node square of the Part of Fortune in the Natal Chart makes you struggle with challenges from your past. You don’t easily make […] Read more » Black Moon Lilith Opposite Vertexorb: 2°Black Moon Lilith opposite the Vertex in the Natal Chart makes you eager to express your independent desires. You resist taking authority from others and […] Read more » Midheaven Conjunct Part of Fortuneorb: 2°The Midheaven conjunct with the Part of Fortune in the Natal Chart makes you a magnet for success. You attract others who can help you […] Read more »

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A house starting in a zodiac sign indicates the area of life where the qualities and themes of that sign are particularly emphasized and influential within an individual’s birth chart.
First House21° 36’ 28” Virgo
Second House18° 14’ 1” Libra
Third House18° 27’ 56” Scorpio
Fourth House20° 51’ 16” Sagittarius
Fifth House23° 18’ 32” Capricorn
Sixth House23° 57’ 11” Aquarius
Seventh House21° 36’ 28” Pisces
Eighth House18° 14’ 1” Aries
Ninth House18° 27’ 56” Taurus
Tenth House20° 51’ 16” Gemini
Eleventh House23° 18’ 32” Cancer
Twelfth House23° 57’ 11” Leo
Astrology Birth Chart for Trisha Paytas (May. 8, 1988) (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.