Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

AND BEST-AS USUAL MARION, CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, '1941 NINETEEN FOR FARM AUCTION ACTION NOTHING BEATS WANT AD ACTION VARYING PRICES Prices are varying from day to day--but if you look up and down these classified columns daily you will always be informed on actual current value. 5. The- Chronicle, Leader Tribune A CLASSIFIED ADS Always the Same--In Service Always Different--In Opportunity PHONES 234--244 FARMERS' COLUMN MERCHANDISE Livestock 5-Sows with 40. pigs; 12 shoats, weight 50 all immuned; heifer calf, weigh 300 lbs. Twin City Athletic Club, Gas City.

Farming Implements 48A 1-W. C. Tractor. 3-Regular Farmalls. 3-10-20 Tractors.

1-Fordson. 1-22-in. Threshing Machine. Used Discs. ALLIS CHALMERS DEALER 519 N.

Wash. Phone 2708 PEORIA UNION-10 disc drill with fertilizer attachment. Zirkle, phone 44L, Swayzee, Ind. 8-Used Tractors 1-1-row Picker 2-Cream Separators Fertilizer Paint JOHN DEERE STORE 110 W. 1st McCORMICK-Deering combine, No.

22 on rubber, with attachments. good condition. Clarence Haisley. Phone Fairmount Red 26-J. Manure Spreaders, 2 and 4.

wheels, on rubber up 1 14-in. 7-foot Disc Breaking Plows $97.20 $91.95 up High Speed Wagon with high clearance up Trailer Kits Lime Spreader on rubber Drag Harrow $19.95 Milking Machines, portable and pipeline up 14-in. High. Clearance Plow on rubber $126.95 Corn Cribbing, 65 and 90 ft. Buzz Saws up Wheelbarrow, contractor type.

42-in. scalloped Lawn Fence. Complete Harness Repairs 1 Used 2-wheel Corn trailer, Sheller cattle with rack Clean- $30 out pan and thrower $34.95 SEARS FARM STORE. 2-F-20 on rubber. 2-Regular Farmalls.

1-F-12. 1-F-14. 1-10-20. I. 2-Tractor Discs.

KREIGBAUM'S 229 W. 2nd St. Farm Service 48B BALED- -Timothy hay. Swayzee phone. Earl Echelbarger.

CASH BUYERS Of cream. Beatrice Creamery 901 West Third St. DEAD STOCK- Removed promptly, any distance Free mortem. Day or night service. Ph.

2033, Marion, reverse charges. GOLDREICH FERTILIZER CO WE TRADE Soybean meal for soybeans. Hoosier Soybean Mills. Inc Phone 2402. WE WILL PAY -2c above market for good quality oats.

Call 12 or 27 Fowlerton, Ind. Poultry and Supplies 49 GET--Your pullets ready A for tion. Use Dr. Salsbury's ROTACAPS and rid them of round and tape worms. SUNSHINE FEED STORE 407 E.

4th St. Phone 2604 MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 FINE Quality, 9x18 Wilton rug, mohair davenport. and chair. Bargain. Phone 1179-J.

GOOD USED 24-inch furnace with stoker, everything complete, at a bargain. MARION HARDWARE CO. NUBIAN -Hot Blast, call at 1402 E. 40th, evenings. KITCHEN -Cabinet, like new, and 2-burner kerosene cabinet heater, 534 E.

Wiley Street. PAINT -Coloring, Bradley Vrooman. 100 tubes, cheap for lot. SWAP SHOP 3124 S. Wash.


INC. T. M. REG. U.S.

PAT. OFF. MERCHANDISE Specials at the Stores 64 A -Complete line of good used furniture, also many items in new furniture. CALDWELL'S EXCHANGE 3115 S. Washington St.

BOX SPRINGS-6 to choose from, coverings discontinued ed patterns at off ranges of only $12.88 to MONTGOMERY WARD CO. BARGAINS IN USED STOVES 3-burner Oil Stove, slightly used $5.95 2 Oil Heaters $18.88 Gasoline Range, table top. $24.95 3-burner Oil Stove $29.95 'op lighter Oil Stove Reg. $59.95. $39.95 Damaged Gas Stove, (new).

$54.95 Used Radios, Refrigerators, Machines Several Used Radios Used Sewing up SEARS ROEBUCK CO. BASEBURNERS See the new Monogram cabinet hardcoal burners, circulating type with brilliant front. SO. MARION FURNITURE CO. 3108-10 S.

Washington St. DUCK HUNTERS $17.50, complete outfit of coat, pants, boots, cap, all for only $13.95 SCHRADER'S 117 W. 3rd St. GLASS CLOTH -Water proof and airtight for windows and doors. 19c Square Yard OVIE'S HATCHERY, No.

of P. O. OIL--Circulators parlor furnaces. baseburners, hot blasts, coal ranges, coal or wood heaters, pipe, elbows, dampers, collars, thimbles, boards, buckets, shovels, pokers, putty, enamel and many repairs. MARION HARDWARE CO.

QUICK -Drying varnish, $1 per gallon, bring container. McATEE'S RADIO REPAIRS By Competent Men at Fair Prices FREE ESTIMATE GIVEN BROYLES ELECTRIC CO. Second and Washington Ph. 347 REPLACE Those broken windows with Flexo Cloth. Easy to apply, inexpensive.

"THOMAS MILLING CO. HATCHERY Branson St. Phone '1235 SEVERAL Good used band instruments. $10.00 and up BUTLER MUSIC CO. VENETIAN BLINDS Flexible steel slats, custom-made for your windows, decorative cornice top.

Installed 35c per square foot. Free estimates. HANER'S, Inc. -122 W. 3rd BARGAIN-2 used treadles, 1 floor model Singer Electric.

SINGER SEWING CENTER MOTHER The best favor you can do your son or daughter is to buy them a pair of our shoe skates and. let them enjoy the clean sport of Roller Skating at the IDYL WYLD ROLLER PALACE WALLPAPER Large Stocks of New Fall Patterns from 5c to 25c per roll Roof Coating Stops Leaks, Preserves Roofs 1 Gal can, 75c; 5 gal. can, $2.50 HENDEY'S 508 S. Wash. Phone 146 WE CARRY A Complete Line of Chrome and Wood Breakfast Sets Priced from $19.50 up CALDWELL'S North of Paramount Theater 11-3x12 Axminster Rug 10-6x13 Axminster Rug 9x12 Axminster Rug $5.95 KELLEY'S EXCHANGE STORE 4 GREAT RANGE BARGAINS! Westinghouse electric.

extra good; Marion electric: Kitchen-Kook gasoline, A-1; Crescent gasoline. Your Choice- Only $5 MARION HARDWARE ('0. WANTED- -To buy or trade for dining, living, bedroom, breakfast suites, rugs, also base burners and soft coal heaters. PULLEY'S 417 N. Wash.

Wearing Apparel 65 LADIES' WINTER- -Coat, size 16. $7. 118 So. Race St. Wanted--To Buy 66 WANTED Fence wire, galvanized, body tin.

iron, rags and metal. 10arion Scrap Materials. Phone ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms with Board 67 rooms and board, privilege of home, hot water, 3 for man and wife. Write Chronicle Box 1773. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY WANTED! GOOD TOMATOES CASH FOR EVERY LOAD RALPH DEETER Junction 9 and 35 Write Chronicle Box Moving, Trucking Storage B1A Nation- Wide Moving Service 'BRITT TRANSFER CO.

Marion's Modern Union Movers ROOMS AND BOARD Sleeping Rooms 68 SLEEPING Rooms, $2 and $3. Also 2 furn. rooms, 3828 Lincoln Boulevard. SUNNY Comfortable room in mod. home, west.

Phone 1753-W. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 unfurn. at 515 E. Call evenings, ROOM -For light housekeeping, 413 S. Boots, after 4 p.

m. 725 W. 10TH Housekeeping or sleeping rooms, lower. Adults. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 ATTRACTIVE Unfurn.

lower, private 3 rooms, bath. Ph. 3282. ATTRACTIVE 2 rooms, nicely all mod. apartment.

Private entrance. Adults. 627 W. 2nd. MIAMI Apartments, 6 rooms, bath, modern, city heat.

and water furn. Phone 1019-W. apartment electrically equipped. Adults. 1004 So.

Boots. 2 -Unfurn. rooms. Heat, lights furn. 1905 S.

Adams. 6-Room, mod. unfurn. 1801 S. Boots.

Phone 2614. Houses for Rent. 77 RENT OR SALE-5-room mod. bungalow, just completed, cabinets, venetian blinds, recreation room, shown by appointment. Inquire, 1414 W.

2 Mod. Heated, 2431 $22.50 5 rooms, 2nd Adams, $35 4 room house Gas City, $22. Phone 1558 SHUGART 219 E. 4th 3-Large rooms, water, gas, $15. 4 rooms, $20.

325 W. 37th St. Wanted To Rent 81 WANTED-2 furn. rooms, private home, quiet couple, vicinity So. St.

Chronicle Box 1779. 'apartment, bedrooms. Modern furn. house. or Chronicle Box 1776.

80 TO 160 Acre farm wanted, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers in Real Estate A. T. BARTOW AGENCY -Loans East 4th St. Phone FARM LOANS No Commission Why Pay J. WINTERS 413 Glass Farms and Land for Sale 80 ACRES a good farm splendid improvements, $1,000 cash, easy terms on ance.

68 ACRES- good improvements, $4,500. See J. Winters. Land Man" 413-14 Glass Farms and Land for Sale 120 ACRES -All buildings fences new. Level black $10,000.

$2,500 down. BARTON BARTON 304 Glass Block Phone Houses for Sale DOUBLE--North Washington close in, 2 furnaces, hardwood floors below, netting a good come. WESTFALL CARTER Hoosier Realty Phone MODERN -Bungalow, corner big rooms, double living easiest terms in town, $1,000 down, $50 month. $5,000, worth $6,500. G.

F. NEW 5-room house, garage, south in new addition, large A fine location. M. G. GOTSCHALL AGENCY 201-2-3 Iroquois Block, Phone SUBURBAN- -New 3-rooms, garage and coal house combined, near 36th Meridian St.

Phone 1558 SHUGART 219 E. WEST- Mod. 8-room home, terms. Chronicle Box 1775. WEST-6-room house, hardwood floors, new furnace, garage.

500, $300 down, balance monthly payments. GLEN OUTLAND Phone IF YOU WANT TO -A dence at a bargain price, well cated, near a school, that will itself In income in a years phone 1238. 6-ROOM-House, garage for 1521 W. 1st St. 2122 S.

BROWNLEE reasonable down payment, ance like rent. See Mr. Carter WESTFALL CARTER 1431 W. FIRST rooms, garage. Terms.

CARL CARL 210 Glass Block Phone Lots for Sale LOTS- -For sale, 1800 block 11th $120. 2 lots. 1900 block $80. Inquire. 1935 W.

11th The WEATHER INDIANA -Increasing cloudiness and warmer tonight; rain Friday, probably beginning in southwest portion tonight; somewhat cooler Friday. ILLINOIS -Increasing cloudiness, rain Friday, beginning in west and south portions tonight; warmer tonight, somewhat cooler Friday. LOWER MICHIGAN- Fair, warmer in west portion tonight; Friday increasing cloudiness and warmer, followed by rain, beginning in afternoon or at night. OHI0-Fair and slightly cooler; frost in central and north portions tonight; Friday increasing cloudiness with slowly rising temperature. KENTUCKY Increasing cloudiness, followed by occasional light rain in southwest and south-central portions; slightly cooler tonight; Friday cloudy, occasional rain in south portion, continued cool.

DEATH RETURNS DROOK-Forrest, 428 N. Boots. Diggs. FLOREK, Theodore. Grant county.

Milford. MARRIAGE LICENSE Glen Eugene Ancil, 1922, Marion, butcher, and Elizabeth Jane Sprong, 1922, Marion, at home. ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Directors NEEDHAM AND SON We Serve Beyond Requirements 805 S. Adams St. Phone 1552-W MILFORD FUNERAL SERVICE Phone 1815-W Sincere Service and Fair Prices "The Home for Services" RAVEN FUNERAL HOME 911 S.

Wash. St. Phone 1480 DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE 504 W. Third Phone 169 DEPENDABILITY Personals BIG RUMMAGE SALE -Friday and Saturday, tools, musical instruments, antiques. DeSoto Hotel Bldg.

IT'S ABOUT TIME You ate a splendid, balanced meal at Barney's Cafeteria Opp. P. O. RUMMAGE SALE-717 Gallatin, Friday and Saturday. White enamel range for sale.

WILL DRIVE- -to Florida for anyone desiring a chauffeur. Fully qualified having lived in Florida, know spots of interest, references, 1325 Euclid, phone 2580W, Ed Smith. Cost, Strayed or Stolen 10 LOST Ladies' blue, gabardine bag, with money and identifications. Finder keep money, return purse and contents. Katherine Plummer.

1840 S. Adams. STRAYED -Black Pekingese. Re311 N. Adams.

TAKEN- -By mistake, man's blue striped coat. Return same or mail papers from pocket to Mich Michos, 416 W. 2nd. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 REESE MOTOR CO. Dodge-Plymouth Sales Service Dodge-Plymouth Sales Service Phone 2421 Gas City '34-Dodge sedan, tires, motor A-1.

Sacrifice for quick sale. Terms. 1535 W. Nelson. 1937 Chevrolet Deluxe Sport Coupe, fully equipped, tires, clean inside and out, $375.

L- MOTOR SALES 2nd Wash. 1937. Terraplane Club Coupe, black, heater, mohair upholstery, 4 new tires, extra clean. 1937 Plymouth Coach, blue, radio, heater, in excellent condition inside and out. GLENN A.

SCOTT 307 E. Third St. 30th Year in- -Same Location 1937 Studebaker Cruising Sedan, overdrive, radio and heater, special today only $395 1936 Pontiac Coupe, radio and heater, color black, motor runs fine today $275 Hollingsworth Motor Sales 905 S. Washington St. 1939-Deluxe Plymouth Coupe, radio and heater, excellent condition.

Phone 1693. 111G Spencer. $37 Packard, radio, heater $395 '37 Dodge, radio, heater '36 Dodge, radio, heater. $295 '35 Ford Tudor, heater $195 J. MATTHEWS, INC.

308 W. 3rd Buick Sales and Service '38 DeSoto Touring Sedan, heater, new tires. A-1 shape '37 Plymouth Deluxe Touring Sedan. heater, black finish. clean $375 STOKES 221 West 2nd Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 AUTO Glass, Heaters SPENCER SALVAGE SERVICE New By-pass 16th Phone 3552-1 BRAKES ADJUSTED Any Make Car, $1.00 Seybold Archer 6th Adams AUTOMOBILES Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 DRIVE IN--For an aligning check up.

Marion Frame Axle Shop. Opposite City Hall. FENDERS- Straightened, autos refinished. Klaus Auto Service. 305 W.

Second St. A Phone 2788. USED PARTS For late model cars. Tires, car radios. EDDINGFIELD'S 12th McClure Speedliner cases.

Save $50. Speedliner, cases and tubes, $50. 1-6-Tube Arvin Auto Radio, $20. 1 Motorola radio, $22.50. 3 other used sets, $12.50 up.

GOODRICH STORE Next to Indiana Theater 2 NEXT TO WOOLWORTHS HUNTERS- Clothes, boots repaired, waterproofed, new zippers. STAR SHOE SHOP, 324 S. Boots WANTED -Washers to repair. Appliance 111 S. Wash.

Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 GET--Our free estimate. Ruberoid roofing and siding. 18 months to sr STATE pay, no down ROOFING CO. payment. 115 Ph.

E. 108 6th. BUSINESS SERVICE Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 AUTO LOANS New or used cars financed on easy terms. FLOYD GILTNER Phone 1808 Underwriters Brokers, Inc. Where Insurance Is Not a Sideline C.

H. Phone 500 Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 McENTIRE SON Moving and Storage 403 E. 4th Phone 2526 Typewriters and Supplies 27A All MAKES Typewriters, adding machines and supplies. Sold and Serviced Beckley Typewriter Supply Co. 125 E.

5th St. Phone 136 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 HEATING- Plumbing and tinning. CHAS. BESHORE CO. Radio--Electrical Service 29A USED UP MARION RADIO SHOP Phone 3180 108 E.

6th St. EMPLOYMENT Wanted--Female 32 EXPERIENCED--Maid generhousework and to help with care of child. Hours 8 to 4 p. m. 311 W.

1st. EXPERIENCED Girl, general housework. 1119 W. 4th St. GIRL For housework and care of 2 children.

Inquire 1024 South Branson St. after 4 p. m. QUALIFIED permanent position. Phone 2255.

WOMAN For housework, white or colored. Phone 3407-M. Wanted -Male- 33 EXPERIENCED Farm Hand. Walter Green. Swayzee phone.

MEN--To husk corn. Phone 3518-1 p. m. WANTED experience. cutter with groGood opportunity for right man.

Write Chronicle Box 1780. Help and Female. 34 SALESMEN Exceptional opportunity in Marion and vicinity, with old reliable company. See Mr. Gasaway, between 5 and 8 p.

417 N. Washington St. WANTED- Tomato pickers, sev. eral good patches, 7c to 8c per hamper. Powers Koontz Canning Co.

Swayzee 7 Call at factory or Ph. Swayzee 139' FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 FOR SALE-Grocery stock and fixtures. Good location. Write Chronicle Box 1778. CLOSING-OUT SALE Upright cooler and display cooler with compressor, American slicing machine, like new, meat block, other fixtures.

All grocery stock. 1501 Jeffries Avenue. INSTRUCTION Local. Schools. Colleges 43 MONDAY, OCTOBER 20- Would an appropriate time to begin a day or night course.

Ask for particulars. MARION BUSINESS COLLEGE FARMERS' COLUMN Livestock 48 CHESTER White boars, Raymond Wimmer. Sweetser phone. NOTICE FARMERS We have pure bred gilts to let out on shares. See or Write Ray Nusbaumer, Montpelier, Ind.

lings springers. mile SPOTTED -Poland boars, yearon 37 and 22. Britton. WILL Call for and pay highest market price for all the fresh eggs I can buy in Grant Coun- Phone 1518-R. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 43.

The undersigned Administrator of the Estate. of Anna D. Pence, deceased, will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, a large quantity of HOUSEHOLD GOODS and other property belonging to said decedent at her former residence in the Northwest part of SWEETSER, Indiana, at 1:00 o'clock in the Afternoon of Saturday, October 18th, 1941. Terms CASH. I' Dave Wherry, Horace E.

Kurts, Auctioneer. Administrator. Von Lemming Hogston Hogston Clerk. Attorneys. 1 LE Will Pay $16.50 For Red Ripe TOMATOES No Grade Delivered to Rolla Zirkle Farm Miles North of SWAYZEE AUCTION Evergreens, Roses, Perennials, Shade, Fruit and Ornamental Trees Sunday, Oct.

19th 1:30 P. M. Just to get aquainted we will give a 6 ft. Colo. Blue away.

American Landscape Company. Peru, Indiana. U.S. Roads 31 24. W.

Main St. City Limits 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Buick Sedan 4. 1931 Plymouth Coupe 1930 Marquette Coupe 1929 DeSoto Sedan 8 Used Tires 2 New Atlas 18x25 or JOHN L. JONES Mile North of Gas City Junction. Phone Gas City 5731 We Will Pay $15.00 PER TON FOR GOOD TOMATOES, DELIVERED Frazier Packing Company Elwood, Indiana.

LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR No. 7684 Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Josie M. Gammel Boyer, deceased, late of Mill Township, Grant County, Indiana, Said Estate is supposed to be solvent. CHARLIE BOYER, Administrator. ROBERT CRASHER, Attorney.

Oct. 16-23-30. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY PLAN COMMISSION NOTICE is hereby given to the realdents and citizens of the, City of Marion, Indiana, that, upon the 20th day of October, 1941, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. there will be meeting of the City Plan Commission of the City of Marion In the City Council Chambers of gald City. The matter.

to be considered at. this meeting is the application of William E. Bryan for An order of this Commission authorizing him to construct and operate Ailing station at the northwest corner of Baldwin and Sixth Streets, Dated this 9th day of October, 1041. JOHN CANTEN. 9-16.

Secretary, City Plan Commission NOTICE OF FINAT SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE No. 6011 Notice 1s hereby given to the creditors. heirs and legatees of Wilson LavengoodDeceased, to appear in the Grant Circuit Court. held at Marion, Grant County, Indiana, on the 3rd day of November, 1941. and show cause, if any.

why the FINAL SETTLEMENT ACCOUNTS with the estate of said decedent should not be approved: And said heirs are notined to then and there make proof of heirship and receive their distributive shares, WITNESS the Clerk of said Court this 9th day of October, er. 1941. MILDRED L. WHITE. Clerk of Grant Circuit Court.

R. -Oct. 9-16-23. NOTICE TO BIDDERS OF PURCHASE OF SCHOOLHOUSE FIRE ESCAPE Notice La bereby given that on the day of November, 1941, at the hour of o'clock P. M.

the undersigned Trustee and the Township Advisory Board, will meet at the office of the Trustee at 1st and Main Street 1p the town of Van Buren, Indiana, to then and there receive bids on the following. tubular Are escape to extend from the top Door of the Van Buren High School Building to the ground the installation thereof. All bids shall be sealed. The richt to retect all bids is reserved. VIRGIL KARIGER.

As School Township Trustee. Van Buren, Grant County. I. -Oct. 10.

AUCTIONEER Purebred Livestock, Personal Property, Real Estate B. G. GORRELL 401 E. 4th St. Phone 1326 21 Years Experience Colored Notes All persons holding coal rally.

48 Articles for Sale LIVING--Room suite, rug, 1 room suite, linoleum, Chef apartment size, Thor er and ironer, cabinets, etc. cellent condition. 1107 S. son Street. ROLL-A-WAY Bed with tress, and sewing machine.

Scott, 409 S. 1st St. Gas City. SECTION--Bookcase, china closet, couch, washers, dressers, stoves, wardrobe. We trade.

Rural Appliance Sales, 3002 Wash. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! Over 275 to Choose From Any Kind You Need Heaters $3.50 up; Ranges $8.50 up Trade-In Your Stove or Stoves Buy Now to Avoid Rush! Stoves Will Be Higher "Marion's Largest Stove Dealer" PULLEY'S 417 N. Wash. UTILITY CABINETS $4.95 and up Gas City New Used Furn. Co.

WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE 3 Piece, $38.50 MART'S 3519 S. Wash. St. 2-Windows, 54x40, three good doors, seven good shutters, Also genuine leather rocker. Ph.

1562. 1941 DELUXE -House trailer, $700 cash. Warren Axley, Hanmore Road, Gas City. 9x18 rug, hook rug pattern, excellent condition. Phone 1164.

12 fountain, $25. 314 N. Branson St Fuel, Feed, Fertilizer 56 DAIRY FEEDED $1.70 HOG $2.00 SOUTH MARION COAL FEED 31st Boots St. Phone 941 EBONY COAL Slow burning, clean heat, excellent for furnace. WILKINSON COAL CO.

Ph. 454 GOOD ALFALFA HAY FOR RABBITS GRANT COAL FEED CO. 215 E. Bradford Phone 3022 HARD COAL coke, chestnut size for baseburner, immediate delivery. A.

B. C. FUEL CO. Phone 1306 SPECIAL ON DOG FOOD 30c Doggie Beds, $1.25 up Cedar Shavings for Dog Beds New Shipment of Fish and Fish-Moss G. M.

STORE Phone 3385 Good Things to Eat 57 Apples, 10 25c; Potatoes, 15c Kraut Cabbage, $1.25 per 100. WEDGE BLDG. Phone 2279 BURCO COFFEE, 2 lbs. 39c SWANEY'S Bradford Branson Phone 2844 ICE COLD- Cider, apples, bring containers. 1 mile west, mile S.

Converse, Hainlen Fruit Farm PLYMOUTH -Rock pullets, frics, 22c. Gould, Delphi Pike. 3632-3. Musical Merchandise 62 GOOD- Used "Holton" cornet and case. Mra.

Robert Morris, 612 S. Main Street. Fairmount. 48 BASS ACCORDION With MARION MUSIC HOUSE, Seeds, Plants, Flowers 63 -On display. peat delivered.

Replogle, 2007 W. 2nd. EVERGREENS and SHRUBBERY mile south Home Corner LITTLE TREE NURSERY Specials at the Stores 64 ATTENTION! A complete assortment of new living room suites, $64.50 up. MORRIS FURN. 217 E.

4th Easy Washer, Balloon Wringer A real buy for $29.95 Appliance 111 S. Wash. 51 bedMagic washEx- Bran- matC. cards for Allen Temple are asked to report to the pastor Sunday. The annual Halloween jamboree of Weaver school will be held Oct, 26 88 was previously announced.

The meeting of the district of 0. E. S. will be held Sun- day at 10:30 a. m.

at the Masonic hall. Bishop John A. Gregg made following assignments for the southern district of the Indiana Conference of the A. M. E.

Church which convened at Anderson recently. Presiding elder, Rev. J. E. Bradford; Bethel, Indianapolis, Dean C.

S. Spivey; Allen Chapel, Terre Haute, Rev. R. F. Boyd; Spruce Street, Terre Haute, Rev.

W. K. Robertson; Alexandria Chapel, Evansville, Rev. C. R.

Waters; French Lick, Rev. J. M. Albany, T. S.

Henderson; Bethel, Bloomington, J. F. Reddick; Vincennes, Rev. J. E.

Wilkerson; Jeffersonville, Rev. M. J. Hendrieth; Mount Vernon, Rev. W.

H. Adams; Princeton, Rev. A. H. Davis; Lyles, Rev.

H. J. Thompson; Franklin, Rev. A. E.

Taylor; Washington, Rev. W. T. Hill; Seymour Circuit, Rev. Israel Slaughter; Plainfield and Greencastle, Rev.

J. C. Mitchell; Charlestown Circuit, Rev. J. H.

Franklin; Brazil Circuit, 'Rev. Joseph Churchill; Bedford Circuit, Rev. H. F. Brown; Coppin Chapel, Rev.

M. -D. Robinson; Hanover, Rev. Landys A. St.

Paul Church choir rehearsal will be held today at 730 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Cornelius Applewhite. Mrs.

Tillie Small' is the president. A song recital will be presented at Second Baptist Church Friday at 8 p. m. by Mrs. Catherine Newsom, in behalf of the Queen rally.

Mrs. Myrtle Greer is the chairman. Mias Mary Adams, chairman of. the committee for the Holloween party which is to be given by the Julia Derricotte Girls asks her committee to meet her at the Y. W.

C. A. at 4:30 p. m. today.

The Committee is Miss Edith Peak, Miss May Inman and Miss Irene Pettiford. Mrr. F. K. Bailer speaker at the missionary mass meeting to be held at Allen Temple Church Sunday at 3 p.

m. All missionary societies and thir pastors are 'asked to attend this meeting. The service is open to public. W. W.

G. of Second Baptist will hold its social meeting at p. m. today in the annex of the church. Mra.

Laura Weaver, Miss Sadie Weaver, Mrs. W. T. Jones. Miss Cecelia Weaver.

Harry, Weaver. Frankenmuth Howard spent Sunday in Dayton 0., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee. Harry Weaver of Frankenmuth, returned to his home Tuesdav after spending the weekend with his mother, Mrs.

Laura Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Lubie Wingo had AS their dinner guests recently, Mrs. Millicent Franklin and daughter, Fay Carol, of Columbus, and Miss Clara Wingo.

Elder S. G. Edmunds who is conducting a revival at the Church of God in Christ, will for his subject today at 7:30 p. "Come to Supper." Mrs. Ruth Weaver is reported ill at her home on South Gallatin Rev.

H. L. P. Jones is reported slowly improving from his illness. Mrs.

Foster Burden is reported seriously ill. DRIVER HELD CRAWFORDSVILLE, Oct. Williams, fortythree, Bay Minette, truck driver, was held today on a reckless driving charge. He figured in A truck collision Tuesday in which Otto Krout, sixty-six of Alamo, and Lonnie V. Ferrell, fifty-four, of New Market, WPA workers, died.

LEADER RE-NAMED ATLANTIC CITY, N. Oct. National Association of Sheet Metal Distributors re-elected A. J. Becker of Evansville, president yesterday.

The 16 principal manufacturers of military aircraft on Jan. 1, 1940, held orders totaling $602.001,000, 1 figure considerably higher than their combined sales for the three preceding years..

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.