Harman Cast Floor Protector Hearth Pad Cover, 1-00-247216-1 (2024)



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Genuine OEM HHT Harman Cast Floor Protector Hearth Pad Cover. Clearance Sale!

1 in stock

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SKU: 1-00-247216-1Categories: , Stove Parts, All Universal Stove Parts, Harman Pellet, Exterior Parts

On-Time Shipping

USA Retail Locations

Unmatched Warranty – No Hassles

Live Tech Support

Pellethead boasts over a 99.5% on-time shipment rate. Get your products on-time or before the estimated delivery date.We are not fly-by-night online Retailers that will be here today and gone tomorrow.Product Guarantee- we sell with our no hassle warranty.We offer tech support for every single product we sell. Have an issue, have a question? No Problem! Contact Us


Quality Affordable Parts

Pellethead Ash Vault Pro

Pellethead Smokin Po Boy

We have been in business 30 years, we are pellet stove specialists. Period.Personally service our customers stoves, and provide you with the same quality parts.Check out the only ash vacuum made by pellet stove professionals in a corded and cordless option.Want to cook pizza in 3 minutes? Check out the Pellethead Smokin Po Boy.

[short_description] => Genuine OEM HHT Harman Cast Floor Protector Hearth Pad Cover. Clearance Sale! 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Part Number 1-00-247216-1. Obsolete item, no longer offered. Guaranteed Best Price, Clearance Sale! ) [data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577138 [key] => _aioseo_description [value] => Genuine OEM HHT Harman Cast Iron Floor Protector Hearth Pad. Part Number 1-00-247216-1. Obsolete item, no longer offered. Guaranteed Best Price, Clearance Sale! ) ) [4] => WC_Meta_Data Object ( [current_data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577139 [key] => _aioseo_keywords [value] => 1-00-247216-1 Hearth Pad Cover,1-00-247216-1 Cast Cover,1-00-247216-1 Floor Cover,1-00-247216-1 Hearth Pad,Harman 1-00-247216-1,Harman 1-00-247216-1 Floor Covering,Harman Absolute 43 Hearth Pad,Harman Absolute 63 Hearth Pad,Harman Accentra Hearth Pad,Harman Accentra 2 Hearth Pad,Harman Advance Hearth Pad,Harman Allure 50 Hearth Pad,Harman Invincible Hearth Pad,Harman P38 Hearth Pad,Harman P43 Hearth Pad,Harman P68 Hearth Pad,Harman P68A Hearth Pad,Harman PC45 Hearth Pad,Harman Pellet Pro Hearth Pad,Harman XXV Hearth Pad,Harman XXV-TC Hearth Pad ) [data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577139 [key] => _aioseo_keywords [value] => 1-00-247216-1 Hearth Pad Cover,1-00-247216-1 Cast Cover,1-00-247216-1 Floor Cover,1-00-247216-1 Hearth Pad,Harman 1-00-247216-1,Harman 1-00-247216-1 Floor Covering,Harman Absolute 43 Hearth Pad,Harman Absolute 63 Hearth Pad,Harman Accentra Hearth Pad,Harman Accentra 2 Hearth Pad,Harman Advance Hearth Pad,Harman Allure 50 Hearth Pad,Harman Invincible Hearth Pad,Harman P38 Hearth Pad,Harman P43 Hearth Pad,Harman P68 Hearth Pad,Harman P68A Hearth Pad,Harman PC45 Hearth Pad,Harman Pellet Pro Hearth Pad,Harman XXV Hearth Pad,Harman XXV-TC Hearth Pad ) ) [5] => WC_Meta_Data Object ( [current_data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577142 [key] => _aioseo_og_article_section [value] => ) [data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577142 [key] => _aioseo_og_article_section [value] => ) ) [6] => WC_Meta_Data Object ( [current_data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577143 [key] => _aioseo_og_article_tags [value] => ) [data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577143 [key] => _aioseo_og_article_tags [value] => ) ) [7] => WC_Meta_Data Object ( [current_data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577146 [key] => _monsterinsights_sitenote_active [value] => 0 ) [data:protected] => Array ( [id] => 6577146 [key] => 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  • Description
  • Specs
  • Models
  • Guarantee


Genuine OEM HHT Hearth Pad Cover

Harman Cast Floor Protector Hearth Pad

OEM Part Number: 1-00-247216-1

Dimensions: 23 ½”L x 27 ¾”W. 7 ½”Gap between slats.

Why Choose Pellethead?

On-Time Shipping

USA Retail Locations

Unmatched Warranty – No Hassles

Live Tech Support

Pellethead boasts over a 99.5% on-time shipment rate. Get your products on-time or before the estimated delivery date.We are not fly-by-night online Retailers that will be here today and gone tomorrow.Product Guarantee- we sell with our no hassle warranty.We offer tech support for every single product we sell. Have an issue, have a question? No Problem! Contact Us


Quality Affordable Parts

Pellethead Ash Vault Pro

Pellethead Smokin Po Boy

We have been in business 30 years, we are pellet stove specialists. Period.Personally service our customers stoves, and provide you with the same quality parts.Check out the only ash vacuum made by pellet stove professionals in a corded and cordless option.Want to cook pizza in 3 minutes? Check out the Pellethead Smokin Po Boy.


MaterialCast Iron


Harman Pellet

  • Absolute 43
  • Absolute 63
  • Accentra FS (Accentra Cast)
  • Advance
  • Allure 50
  • Invincible RS
  • Invincible T
  • P38 (P38+, PP38+)
  • P43
  • P61
  • P61A
  • P68
  • PC45
  • Pellet Pro II
  • XXV (25th Anniversary Model)
  • XXV-TC

Our Guarantee:

  • 100% Best Price Guarantee
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% On-Time Shipping Commitment
  • Returns accepted within 30 days on products not used or installed

Over 30 years of trusted value and commitment to customers.

Save. Green.

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Harman Cast Floor Protector Hearth Pad Cover, 1-00-247216-1 (2024)


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Article information

Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

Last Updated:

Views: 6279

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.