The World-News from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)

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Roanoke, Virginia

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I I OUR 13 too In the Give Enlargements or Christmas 1 4 A gift that friends really appreciate And that no one but you can give an 4 hu man many enlargements you tell us how kind of the quality Prints get when we fl This Month Thanksgiving I Next Month Christmas C3E3C9 And How Will You Celebrate Them? your dining room furnished THE 1 IS kitchen equipped for best cabinet for 3 RY DI a Li Luck in a GOES TO PRESS ON HOME URNITURE CO 125 CHURCH AVENUE WEST A he on ly I I 4 3 ramed for desk or wall in office or home enlargement is doubly pleasing WIE THRU ER MW Hi i 1 Large Brains of Humans a Result GREAT MAJESTIC MRS MARUKO 111 CENTRAL PARK ROCHtfTIA 1 Look over your negatives and look over your Christmas list ACTORY Mo 4 EMPLOYEES ENIRkNCI "ilms Teaching Important Les sons in Conserving Life and Resources it should be and is vour Leave City Orders at Itonnoko Cycle Co 103 Campbell "Good or "bad in baking usually depend upon the way the kitchen range works blame yourself for so called bad luck The Groat Majestic Range can be relied upon to bring you "good because it backs your baking skill with uniform properly controlled heat Let us show' you why the Majestic outlasts cheap ranges twice and then some BUY THE RANGEsWITH A REPUTATION baking and a modern A Kodak enlargement makes a highly per sonal gift Business Office Roanoke Va TELEPHONE 1200U WOOD Manager HUiroi iilif Ate All changes in or additions to listings and advertising must be in our hands before that time effectiveness in carrying out the econ omies now forced upon us It ought to makem local surplus of waste tlm beur inferior woods nationally avails able official of an Important New England railroad recently proposed that low grades of lumber be given freight rates In order that the railways may get the benefit of the traffic If this propnsal is sound from tl Standpoint of the railroad it is doubly sound fronvthe standpoint of timber conservation" Mr Greeley also re emphasized the Importance of preventable decay probably destroys enough wood annually In the United States to build a city for a million people" ho said It Is understood that the congrega tion nt tlio Main Street Methodist church will begin work on a new and modern church building in the early spring unds'' for' this purpose are being raised and committees appoint ed to look after the deta 'vetc but it is not thought that weather conai Hons would be favorable to begin work now A new Dining Room Suite in celebration of the fes tive event would be useful for many such occasions See us about the suite Prices arc right llKht puzzled us for a while but we got around that by taking some tamo rrits tMe Department of Agriculture was' keeping for experimental pur ppses and Coloring them To the beet chickens cows and nigs belongs the honor of appearing In government movies Horses which won prizes at the national capital's borso show are of the firm "High The aristocrats the swine" family appear In jUno' hcr picture UK: So It can be seen that Uncle Sam looks up the blue ribbons of an ani mal before casting It 1 orger Caught Quick William Mitchell colored of county camo Intq the city Wednesday and after taking In thesituation concluded this a fertile field He wrote several checks sign ing the name of Messrs A ainter to some and 11 Painter to others but after getting one by In the act of gotiatlng his second one Chief flow ell nabbed him at the store of Messrs Morehead and 1 udley He was sent on to the grand jury The furnace of the Pn 1 isikl Iron Company Is back Into blast The plant has been out since Heptein 1323 when It was partially wrecked bran explosion It was Im mediately rebuilt but had never been blown In Orders were given about a month ago to put it la blast Transportation Main Cause of orest Depletion better Latwj nee inbcrculosls free animals and the le tlon Is won "Garden Gold" fa the cinema story of John Jasper's change from a con firmed golfer to an enthusiastic gar dener Community gardens he finds benefit pocketbook and health more than' do community golf courses Is a thrillmg picture of broncho busting roping cattle tying and Indian dancing Charge of the Tick Brigade" Is an animated cartoon In which cat tle are attacked by ticks wltn result ing mortality and Mrs Tick In an illustrated lecture thanks cattle own ers for not di cattle In lgrette" Apne shows her new bat to her husband who notices that It has an cerette the nuptial plume of the and tells how egrets almost have been exterminated by plume hunters Anne decides she will not wear the plume livery section from the skyline ot Vew York to the orange groves of California has been used as a set ting for Government movies Cowboy snorts and ranch scenes In "Sir foin of Bone were filmed In Colorado The osenpe of egrets from nlume hunters shown in "Anne's tairrtto" was photographed In a cy press swamp In Arkansas John Jas ner's farewell to golf In "Garden Golf" was on the Potomac Park golf course Washington 1 Scenes in the Breakfast the story of progress from corn belt pastures to European breakfast plates were enacted on Mid West farms In the Chicago meat Washington Npv VlrgfnlWIee nut lur head contentedly against Hob shoulder It had been neb a wonderful riding with nvr Ink nt the mountain top and finally listening to his proposal and promis ing to become hfs bride Ah what a happy ending for a States Government movie! Thus writes Thomas from 1UZ ng to the New York World Yea your Umle Sam iff rnak nr nmtinri pictujfiff He L'lres 'liarmiU nctrewses and daring actors uses America's moat beautiful spots as scenery and produces pictures at the rate of one every other One Government movie Ont of ths has on shown In everv county In Hio United States Another "Behind the Breakfast Plate" has bun shown all 'wtr the world to a combine 1 audience esti mated ni more than 250 million per sons Thn films range in length from one reel to seven reel feature one of the released being firn Interior deportment's seven reel "tnriner" World's Struggle for Oil Is Klar Six of tlio ederal executive de partments are producing moving pic tures these being he Treasury War Navy Interior Agriculture and Ia bor Of these the partment of Agriculture Is leading In film making having a specially designated "Office of Moving I'lc tures and a studio bonded by red Perkins A hading ladv with Government movies Is Miss Margaret Gorman of Washington who won first prize at tho first national beauty contest held In Atlantic City throe years ago lIeut Xowrii Smith commander (he round the world flyers Is a inale star in Undo Sam's cinema firma mon bfeutensnt' Smith appears In "Hed as loader of an airplane squadron which looks out for forest fires In the West lin discovers a fire sees a camnlng party trapped In the burning area and guides fire fighting rangers to tho spot Just in time to cheat the flames of human prey Mis Gorman Is featured In Hie film "Sir lacteus the Good Milk Knight" ns Mary Strong a little girl wliu Is averse to drinking milk Mary dreams ho Is kidnaped by Sir Jds eiise Her parenis appeal who amen Sugar line defeats sir cues flic child Ifnch Has Message "Keil Enemy Il may be noted urges forest fire prevention emphasises the value of drinking milk So does fcvery Gov ernment movie liavo Its message usually presented in story form "Str Boln of Bone nuts nernss he message of bettor Irnef pro Auction In romantic way Handier Bob West auger' to nmrry Virginia Lee but faced with the proh'em ot mnk big Bone ranch pay feeds his cattle grain Instead of grass before marketing them and thus obtains top prices Hu then excels In cowboy sports nt ft Western rodeo and finally lassoes Virginis heart and all "Clean Herds and Is a four reder that encourages tubor oulosis eradication In a dramatic story of mother love and politics Tho mayor seeking re election Is prrsim'led by Ids daughter to ex tend mortgages he holds on neigh boring farms to enable ths farmers to replace their herds with accredited to Str by Sirs at and VI tn min Iflseuse men and rts THE ROANOKE WORLD NEWS ROANOKE VA UESDA A 1 EKNUUN NU THE CHESAPEAKE POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY Then want the kind you prints Mail us your filnjs service Correspondence) Haris Nov That the large brain ot the human species is due to tha long period of helpless and idle in fancy during which the brain works very little and can spend all its time multiplying Colls and growing Is the theory of Dr Emil Devatix a rench army physician lr Vevaux poltit* out ttint aurinto first three yiars of a child's life bead grows to practically full dull size and that the most rapid growth takes place during the first yar During this time the child Bli'i'ps great deal and neither walks nor talks It lives on liquid food wlilch needs only to Im swallowed ami docs not require the complex effort and energy expenditure of chewing With little to occupy it th" brain Is an idle organ and can vege tate freely The lower animals stiffer the disad vantage of living able to look out for themselves at mi earlier age many them from the moment they nru born or lire hatched from tho egg This takes the time ot Infantile leisure mvay from the brain fnd stops Itsr As a corrollary to hfs theory Dr Deviiux holds tlmt it Is a mistake for nurenls to encourage babies into pre enrtous activity Ho claims that forc ing the brain to function before its natural time has the tffect Of its growth rench Mede of Quizzing Pupil Is Reversed Here Paris Nov 25 (By Ihft Associated Piw) 'pho psychology of asking sihnol children questions Is a point on whlrh Americnn t'acliers take is sue with most rench Instructors Rays the rench teacher In most acliools "Si and up!" Th' tlm (iiK Blkm Is asked In American schools tin process Is revt rsi The quest Ion Is put fully Ilir'n sonm pupil in asked to answer it "The diffi ri nce a recent vlmlor to lycees "that In tlio Preneh school the whole class lnows Instantly that is the one to answer arid tho rest have no need to do any hard thinking the American school everyone In the class Is compelled to search hfs wits for an answer because he or she may In called upon to rise In I bat way file WllttlO HISS uimwein Huystli'm or tries to although one Iruui Ifiirunee Marts Piitarkl The furnace of the (By Science Service) Wo Shlngloii I Nov 25 far flung transportation system litis been dona of the main causes of forest depletion and may be turned into Its principal cure according to William Greeley chief of tho United States orest Service and chairman of the Na tioual Conference on Utilization of orest held here Is worth pointing out that the United States Is tho first country wberu the exhaustion of timber In'ono section could bo readily met by the cutting of forests 2000 miles he said "Our transportation system has largely concealed the ultimate outcome of the exhaustion of old growth tiuiber marvelous tool of transporta tion plight to be employed with equal packing houses and) on New Yorks export wharves Beautiful scenic pictures have been mad" In the national forests 'L'p to Hyalite for example shows the trip made by a party of tenderfeet In Mid dle Creek Canvon of Chillatln National orest Montana "Cloud Buratlng" portrays the ad venturis ot nn automobile touring party In tho White Mountain Na tional orest New Hampshire As soon as the location for a pic ture is determined the Government movie director selects his cast from the school church or semi profes sional Thcspmns of that locality "We use local Director Perkins said It Is compe tent and saves the expense of trans porting casts from Coast tn constVe pay those who are hired unless our allowance for a picture Is too ineager to permit 'I? ntniurrs taxon here Washington studio overnment workers sometimes are placed before the cameiai In Igrette the part of Anne Is taken bv Miss Lucille White one of my own office staff and tho role of Imr husband Is filled by A Jump private secretary to the Secretary or Agriculture Animals Perform "Animals we use often Xlees grass hoppers livestock and hordes Per form in our pictures In fact we have the rare distinction ot havlng produced a film In which rats ap pear This Is done in Modern Pled "How to make rats face a blight GIRLS work in mills offices factories stores and kitchens all over this land often far beyond their strength Tr Annnntlv Rtmh i Hrl is tho onlv bread winner of the family and she must toil on even though her back aches she throbs with pain has headaches dizzy spells is all dragged out and utterly unfit for work A Lyclia Pinkham Vegetable Compound builds health siren gth for such women as is evidenced by the many grateful letters which arc receiwd attesting to the valuo of this old fashioned root and herb' medicine How I Regained Strength fl I 'I luuuiuy'Wi a How Thia Younc Woman Got Relief RocmuSTEB used Lydia Vegetable Compound for weakness and a displacement This troubled me a lot when I walked and when I sitting down and I lud to stav away from work a great deal It made me weak and a ivlin TC Vegetable Comoound from one of your booklets and read about how it had helped bo many It has done so much for me I now recommend it to others I am able to work in the factory now and can walk back and forth to work and enjoy it I am very glad to have you use these facts as a Mrs JLabuko 221 Central Park Rochester Another Woman's Experience Jtoengton suffered every month and was very irregular had head aches all time was thin and pule with no appetite I had taken til! kinds of medicines and every doctor told me 1 would have to face an operation before I would be well again I was only a working girl doing factory work and 1 hail to stay at home so much that 1 was getting rather discouraged My mother advised me to try Lvdia Vegetable Compound and I did so with good results I am now feeling fine 1 have started to be more regular and gaining in strength and weight also I have advised all my girl friends to taka your wonderful medicine Mrs JLlIllESSA iUUU wuuM6wu 4 The Standard Remedy for ills is Lydia Compound LYDIA PINKHAM MEDICINE CD LYNN MASS December 5 RmshinqCo ROGNOKE'VAl DAVIS BAKING POWDER Ore Trend Is Agitation to Alt ei Ji Methods So As to Be More fi' Up to Date Il Shanghai Nov 25 the kipnn cse educational world today there appear two distinct trend at flrM view seemingly contradictory and vp I posing Consequently In order to un jderetand the natlunul situatloil it is i necessary to examine the two niovc Iments in turn nod then to study tiiefr Inter relationship with tlio tlew of making' so iir as pusalble broad generalizations says lor tli Monitor 1: Ot the two moveniriits hstronger certalnlv does not possess Jan objective ef genuine or fmirta internal change In Japanese olm ation ill Is an agitation to alter metHode and to Inaugurate new systems toil It neither proceeds from nor alms to effect a new spirit b'lnm thn war example American iivtlioda haw constantly been gaining In popntorlty lover the German common aliovl syr tem and ninny ft minor alteration I has continued io be Itillniatrly bound up with all the uniformity and stn rul I ardizatlon which central govern ment in full accord with German philosophy and methods has long formulated Thera can be no doubt as Masaharu Anesakl of tho Tokyo Im i perlal University pointed wit to writer thin standiirdlzntlnn In edit i I cation once served a hlglily useful purpose During tne cunnunua xzon of the Umpire It Irnmi ustly aided centralization mid was pro ti lily quite indlsprnsalilc to Jnpiin a nonx nally rapid assimilation Western civilization Billion gli the lu i rl has now nasHCrt the ttysiem (r persists I Iles oil in consequence ths exetejwlve uniformity a fcillnsr of revolt Xias developed among the youth of tho land which la causing much con corn Although quite unorganhtccl in it) Iilllk (ii XteUrUpt a CUL11 tlio Japanese movement txpreastis Itself most frequently In agitation tor social reconstruction sometimes In anarchistic tendencies and often hi nal trra ospeclullv In litera ture even to a neirlect of moral 'Ihls naturalism la iiniloiilitert 1 a reaction to anntlior pi oniln' i char ncterietlc of nearly all Jninief eul ucatlon an fnlt nxe emphusls upon natural science It is srf erir i moreover which shows mtisl den rly Ihn cifi ct of rn wnr Gerinrin phiton ophy and which commquimtlv Joe nd approach iho broader rind more liberal attitude of the social sell nc es M' anwhtlo amid all the coufuHlon of three confllctlnir religions ami dizzy economic jiolltlcal and aplr Itual transitions old irindtirrta lirxvo gone by tho board new ours lirxvo not yet risen and youth Is bewil Sired As for the classics 11)6 grent (st In Japan Is Bn 1 1 a In such a situation one wnuhl ex pect to find a movement hi ttimr of ginulne hungc In eduratlnu 8 xxz li txpcctatlon is rewardi hut not in large measure for the second retnl In Japanese education Is 'insl'ler'sx blv weaker than the first otm of Its thief exponents Is SawnyajmiKl formerly president of tlm Imperial University nt Kyoto If mis hu who Invited Miss ll lcn the hrlirJnntrr nf th naHnn nhrt 1 1 nu fie ia HjaKing moihw or uh 4 wiubfi anu inuKt important tlflfinl A el in A 1 fl a wlilch as he txpraHsed ft durfnrr ikr nlervie uhouhi cea to rtffarcl I lx I 1 I tlonel experiments at tho iiewont I lime Another distinguished Kyoto lu rntor Prusldint Hbirm of the I oshi tha University Is also strongly in favor ot a new education In 1 pan mnioh i i iit itvx Hen jiyiiin crMM io rt'ijarci iic Jiuinan mind as hot of paper' iv fluy to if coni innuincriibio met i I lhaM ImpinKe upon youth frnnj wit Hout iliuuM aif nacif Io ilewhp lilinself to originate to Initiate UJd Jo prrxlueo by hH own effort Surli iducatoni nr(i alno Rokhiif to ihungcthp oinnhaHh In duratlon front ho on to tho individual rum thIndividual to tha socliil vbjwpfxint Ik Jhe further chanKo tlesiM by th rnoRt farsighted IcudtrK but mwh ilniR is apt to lnterv jio beforo thai ran I Iin Iiriy 5 i 'rott biitlunsllsm Is of itself difficult to ffect ami Uni new lx Jiluslon Act passed In A mi rlia hr til nut Ja Panose bus plnrni inuusnsrt ml 'Itlonal obstacles in ths pat of Jai iiinse Intel natlnnallets nn I'rniprasi Jo oltHln Itillrr Insight Into the Japanese dueatlonnl sliiiutlon 1 1 Is liiijiurtint now to Investigate t)lt i at unship between tho txt I vi and progressives Npeaklng wtier a ly the tt ttlv prop slu niucilln ln rrlVRto Inatltutlmis J' aenrrxtn to K8Y tnHt hnHft hn mot truly a mauon win be round pr irlnally in prvnt ichools nnd colleges in tltl Krail( gownr nenl are 57 fhangss within the Old polity Dpurtmerxt I ton moving1 Xn fcX sIOWIieM mp! Jj ivs 1 slrllt0 11 top foot of Liaer such drcurntHhW8 It would at fhst that th must Co ful old system of the state and llm i xperimentHl methods of nunv ft But niter furUur a '''watl0' it BPPaars that tho Jut a serving In a pioneer invaluable thn funner The cone ryuth to'to tMia as they irw n( i ttolr tralnfng ami' qw! of mndurdkf unim rrnfiv IWs'tn dX cant Hlusiratlon ani irttnl 1 iiRht nnnn fh willinni( ga both progreghi and u' lh'ir own to note ll(l tnt uMxstaY lv1 vw 1 I 1 Ch fi'" mlr Prhs )rto'' hits vnt of usl 'T "'to It I lint 11 Vlr VinaLi rwnmilt wit i a ha Winnintf to Joel kv nlv thn 1 to'itn proud hu edurixfnn 1 "ls JsirPHUe But Mlna i I si 1 "Pint will JdLYf "i 5 lug and experlem but nlv 'o Sfr1 'to "toMlw'' na biyb I ore or el to Lu in 1M agouf transli fXnJ I 25 jjy iip a Hriii I hadlo uiHHtittirfl in Uj many havi ha lntrt In koIo bt itttiirv and ilutv I 'll liuw dfa CIOKt Ua llit opern muslr Is llm nst ulor ub for riidM brondi II and mat tji uumfil mpi Tie ail irports inMest uiv fl do hctur hi IT i AnU 11 std teasois lit for lsn lasg usais il un'd polllira nr down toward the Uotlvtii ot rib iimsh vour i Ml hu Jk a tll i i i i liL ft 'r pl I I aife 1' I I I I a vy i i 4 nip Lt 5 Hnfi :3 1 Iva I I 1 HB IBM IM i I Hl 5 1 1 te rj 8LT Is irryxc ii fl A ft ill' 1 1 1 I 7i vlu I A 7 I 1 I 1 irraS? tloryjf j1 Is JMnmn 4 170 Ji Mi VUM TZL aww u'X I YaA I VTOAxUJ I 4 xai a nfWjW low iM AfiSW MT 1 I Ml KI Z7 WL JHYxkW si aving steps? I SlwA I'im Bgll IPI iH IJWraaasV i lit (hiin ii Ill vlL iTli vma i I IrHiuni ft nHuKr I tot nl wLJ bJUijltiblliiiilui '1 1 V1 1 Jl I r1j lx tl JVO wd "GiO Bi Ufl il UvfflR STu 1 rw A LJ I nrW Ay Jj 1 iggsg a ij l( 111 Illi1llliilii i b111 Nil JlhiH I 1 axn i mil i Y'ta 'l 111 1 I MAT 1 1 4 Ic kV 1'1 td i i I 11 teswi is I irai 1 I I i If' 1 fW A 1 II wY ii I IMA YaxVU'' fl TX rt I AiMlHaWa 1 nJ that ei iLuxaanDSxmwmxi I M' 'tl 'r 1 I Ji JT il Ce I J' 'I' lii' Xt Ib x' TSC i IH A 'C raaxi I EDERAL ItfflK vs I i i 'i 1 flH UAe I Baking it I.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.